Lenten Roses

The weather in the Big Woods has been beyond gorgeous 
the last few days.

This has been very pleasing to me, because it has given me the opportunity to remove the dead foliage from my Lenten Roses.

 This is by far my favorite of all the plants I have in the Big Woods.  I love how they appear before Spring has even arrived.

I love the foliage on these plants that will stay lush into the
 summer months.

I love the variety of colors.  
It gives me the chance to add more to my collection each year.

I also love the connection between these flowers and the 
season of Lent;  
a time to reflect and prepare for Easter.

Some people refer to these flowers as hellebores.  There are a wide variety of hellebores available to purchase.

One thing is for certain.  
Lenten Roses are perfect for a woodland garden. 
They are my favorite flower of the Big Woods. 


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