I wrote a post a few days ago about a former pastor who would ask us each week where we had seen God during the week.

I thought it would be a nice idea to try to write one of these posts each week.

Today was a perfect day to see God in the "Big Woods", because we have received a very rare Tennessee snowfall.
I went outside while the snow was falling with the purpose of capturing the photo of a new resident in our woods.

No that is not him...

A pretty bluejay, but not what I am looking for.

Is that a redbird?  We must be getting company.

There he is!!!  Meet our new neighbor.  I could hear him, but I couldn't find him.  That's o.k. though, because while looking for him, I got to see God today.

We get so excited about snow in Tennessee.  All it takes is enough to cover the drive, and we are out of school.

Bless my daughter's heart.  I don''t think she's going to get to use the sled this time.

But that's o.k., because we saw God today!!!


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