This is a fairly new addition to the Big Woods.
I planted it about 2 years ago.
It is a honeysuckle bush.
I purchased it at our local
Master Gardener's Plant Sale.
It has become one of my favorite items
in our wood's garden.
The Big Woods are soooooooooooo
green these days. We have had rain, rain, and more rain.
Our schools were out 2 days last week because of storms and flooding.
There is more rain on its way tonight and tomorrow.
Our neighbors to the south in Alabama are recovering from a terrible mess from tornado damage.
I feel blessed that we only had to pick up a few sticks and limbs.
Our church is collecting water that we will send down to Alabama on Wednesday. Sending water doesn't seem like much, but when you don't have electricity, you need the water for drinking, bathing, and flushing.
My school is taking up water and other necessary supplies. I think it is very important that we all do our part to help out our neighbors. We may need them one day.
