I love freezing corn.
I can't believe I am saying that.
I hated corn season when I was younger.
So, what has changed?
When I was growing up there was just sooooo much corn that had to all be done in one day. And, it always seemed like it was on the hottest day of the year. And, it had to be done outdoors. And, after all that work, you might let the corn scorch on the stove top.
Well, times have changed. My method for freezing corn is definitely different from my childhood, and it may be different from yours, but I can now say that I love freezing corn.
We purchase our corn locally from a dear friend. He gathers the corn and sells it to us by the dozen. I usually purchase 7 or 8 dozen each year.
You can see from the picture the quality of the corn.
It is a very sweet variety of cream and sugar.
Then, it is my turn to work...
I silk the corn while sitting at my dining table.
Then wash each ear and place on a towel to drain.
I usually trim any bad spots or cut off bad ends before washing. This corn was so nice, there was very little of that to be done.
I like my corn niblet style, so I cut it close to the cob and then scrape the ear.
Then, I put water to almost cover the corn and begin to microwave for about 8 min. stopping and stirring about every 2 minutes. I don't have a set amount of time to microwave, I just watch for the corn to turn a bright yellow.
Next, the corn needs to cool.
I help the corn to cool by placing in ice water and stirring often. You will notice the different bowls in the above pictures. That is because while one bowl is cooking in the microwave, I have the other bowl cooling in the sink.
Once the corn is cool, it is time to put it in freezer bags. I only put about 2 cups in each bag; this amount is perfect for my family.
Be sure to get the air out of the packet and flatten for perfect storage in the freezer.