Wild Roses

We are country people through and through.
I enjoy visiting the city, but I prefer my slow country life.
My husband and I went jeep riding through some of the back roads behind our house a few days ago to see if there was anything interesting to take photos of for my blog.
Remember the roses that were beside my bed a few days ago...
I had picked them from the side of the road.
It is the same type of roses that have this old combine completed entangled.
How beautiful.
Something rusted left by the side of the roadway has been made beautiful by these roses.
That's what I love about the country.


Stephanie said…
Love your blog... The pictures remind me of my parent's farm and where my hubbie and I hope to build someday. You should come visit my blog too! I love making new blogger friends!
Bonnie said…
what a great find. i love taking walks and looking for things to photograph. just when you think you haven't found anything interesting...there it is! how fun!
Unknown said…
Hi! Love the roses & your blog. I'm looking forward to reading more of it. When you get a chance, I'd love to have you follow my blog at: http://www.familyliteracyandyou.blogspot.com

I found you because you were at my blog recently and I clicked on your name.

Thanks for visiting! Tina "The Book Lady"
Wonderful picture... I just love wild roses!
Shell said…
I love finding unexpected beauty like that!

Stopping by to welcome you to SITS!
Veronica said…
Old buildings and rusted metal make the best photos. They have so much character!