Sunday Fun Read

Drum Roll Please...

Announcing today's pick for the Sunday Fun Read...

Wringer by Jerry Spinelli.                                                                         

This is a book that Sixth Grade boys really like, but girls like it, also.  This book was requested by a student I had in my classroom several years ago.  He had seen the story on television, and he wanted to read the book. 

I ordered it...let him read it first...then, I read it....and the rest is history.  It has been a very popular book in my classroom ever since. 

The jist of the story is...
a small town where cages of pigeons are released on a particular day every year.

The men of the town stand around the field and shoot the pigeons.

It is a tradition for all of the ten year old boys in the town to go out into the field and wring the necks of all the pigeons that have not died.

The story is about a boy who is about to turn ten, and he does not want to be a

I hope you enjoy the story of Wringer, by Jerry Spinelli!


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